HandiFly Euro Challenge – Sept 2016

Aktualisiert: Juni 14, 2016

Was & Wo?

Ort: Skydive MAUBEUGE und WEEMBI LILLE (Frankreich)
Datum: vom 22 bis zum 25 September 2016
Offizielle Seite: http://www.ffp.asso.fr/en/handifly-euro-challenge/

Sorry Leute, der Rest der Einladung ist auf englisch! Bin zu faul den Text zu ĂŒbersetzen 😉

Worum gehts?

Dear Friends,

Following the information emailed to you on 02/11/2015 (see below), we are proud to announce that the HandiFly Euro Challenge will have the official support of the European Union Erasmus program.

To encourage participation in this special event, the French Parachute Federation will supply all delegations with:

  • Free local transportation
  • Free accommodation
  • Free practice (skydiving, parascending and indoor slots)
  • Delegations will just have to cover their own travel costs. No registration fees.
  • The French Parachute Federation will also:
    • Provide special jumpsuits and skybags for disabled persons free of cost during the event ;
    • Be able, upon request, to send, free of cost, one of its national HandiFly instructors to any country registered to participate in the event to help them prepare participants/teams for the event. This will be between June and August 2016 for periods between 3-5 days.
  • The arrival period will be flexible (between September 21st and 23rd) to allow a maximum of countries to be able to send a delegation.
  • If you do not have disabled persons to register for the competition, your country will be also welcome to attempt with tandem instructors, videographers or not competitors disabled persons.

It’s time now to schedule your participation. We would love to see you at this very special event and we hope that you will let other potentially interested people know all about it so they can come too.

We would love to see you at this very special event!


Interested, curious? Contact us quickly and join the event!
vr4france@hotmail.com or ffp@ffp.asso.fr

Official registrations are opened until July 10th, 2016.

Geschichte des „HandiFly“

For a few years now, the French Parachute Federation has offered disabled people (helped by specifically qualified tandem instructors) the possibility to discover skydiving both freefall and flight under canopy. Special equipment and techniques have been successfully developed for this purpose. We have called this HandiFly.

In 2014, the FFP went a step further and held the first French HandiFly National Championships for disabled people that were held at the same time and place as the regular National Championships. This was repeated in 2015.

Ten disabled participants took part in this unique event based on Freefall Style: each competitor jumps with a valid tandem pilot and performs four alternate turns without any assistance from the pilot. The performance is filmed air to air by an accompanying videographer and is judged by Freefall Style judges.

So what is our next step? The time has come for the French Parachute Federation to share its heartfelt values and show Europe what we have developed.

The first HANDI FLY EURO CHALLENGE will be organised and will be open to the whole skydiving community in order to develop HandiFly all over Europe.

The event will essentially be a competition for disabled Europeans, but not only.

It will also be a large media event at which tandem masters will have the opportunity to learn the specific technique required to carry disabled passengers, where there will be various exhibitions and presentations and where the general public will have the possibility to discover skydiving through a “discovery” jump or a tandem jump.

To encourage participation in this special event, the French Parachute Federation is offering:

  • free accommodation, meals, and competition jump slots for the first 5 European teams (not French) registered
  • free theoretical formation and training jump slots for any European tandem master (not French) wishing to obtain the French HandiFly qualification.


Ich springe mit einem breiten Grinsen aus einem funktionierenden Flugzeug und bin sĂŒchtig nach Freefly, Internet, TV-Serien und den Wettervorhersagen fĂŒrs Wochenende ... in der Zeit dazwischen bastle ich an dieser Webseite.

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